May 7, 2024

Seiyu Cafe

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Sex Canyon (Be the Sexy Canyon of Your Relationship)

The first thing that hits you about having sex in your relationship is sexual confidence. There are several tips and secrets to become the sexy canyon of your relationship. You have to understand that more romance and sex in your life will make your bedroom “The Sex Canyon”.

You have to separate two things in your relationship because it is all about satisfying your lady and making her feel like a queen.

1. Romance and Emotions in your relationship.
2. Sex and Sexual Pleasure in your relationship.

Many men would love to master these two things because women always desire to have these pleasures in their relationships. There are some specific things which you should do in order to make your life incredible and make women see you as the best love they ever imagined.

Here am telling you few fantastic tips that you can apply to be the sex and romance canyon of your relationship.

Romance Canyon Tips:

1. Use the secret tip of “AGREE BUT” and end any argue happily even if you are not agreeing on something. For example, if she says that she does not think that it is a good idea then you can use “Agree But” technique here.

She: “It is looking good.”
You: “You saying right, I agree BUT what if we put this in that way?”

A hypnotist use this word multiple times in conversations because “BUT” is the only word that makes other people forget the last statement happily and place a new statement in front of them.

2. Make a magazine of Love. Take lots of your pictures from different occasions, picnics and love moments. Print those pictures on some good paper and then try to make a magazine of it with little graphic effort.

Present this gift to your woman while watching out stars or at corner of some forest and she will love you entire life for this.

Sex Canyon Tips:

1. People do a blunder mistake by setting different things in their bedrooms. Personal bedroom should be only for you and your woman. Set your bedroom only for sex, romance and sleep.

Never add TV, DVD, Magazines and working things in your bedroom. These things should be placed out of the bedroom. Personal bedroom is a place for love and it should be used only for love and your personal things.

You can only add one soft music system in your bedroom for couple dance in your bedroom. You can make your love making spicier by adding some erotic music.

2. Use the power of whispering and put sensations in your woman body. Whispering is the only thing that turns women on instantly. Whisper romantic sexy things in your partner’s ear and arouse her instantly.

Even with some new woman you can use whispering as the first step for kissing her. I will never say you to go for touching girls’ hairs because it looks somehow odd.

Whispering is safe and it also puts sensations in women body. If you notice that she is enjoying your normal whispering then you can go for a kiss without any fear. Utilize the power of whispering and arouse any girl you want.